
Series: Nightmares

Author: Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller

AR Level: 4.8

Miss Library Lady Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



Everyone gets them.

They aren’t real.

You always wake up.


Charlie isn’t so sure.  What he is sure of is his stepmo(m)nster is really a witch and there is a witch who wants to eat him in his nightmares.  Charlie can’t sleep and he can’t tell his friends about his nightmares, they’ll just laugh at him or think he’s going crazy.  So, Charlie keeps it to himself and slowly becomes more paranoid because the witch is going to come for him at any moment.  Finally, she comes, but not for Charlie; she takes his brother Jack to the Netherworld, where your worst nightmares live.  Charlie follows after, but wait…. Charlie isn’t asleep, both his spirit and body have crossed over, this can’t be good.  Now, not only is he living inside his nightmares, but those of his friends as well.  Can Charlie help his friends overcome their nightmares while facing his own fears and saving his little brother?